AUTHORS, do not assume he will have seen your book, the magazine or the website that your work appears in.
If you think you have had a story published of exceptional quality, and he's only interested in seeing your very best, no matter where it originally appeared, then send a copy to the address below.
PUBLISHERS, he's also interested in seeing novels, collections, anthologies, magazines, art books, graphic adaptations, DVD's and anything else connected with the horror field that can be mention in the comprehensive overview of the year in horror. Steve will also list your contact information in the list of useful addresses.
Time Out on Best New Horror 19 says 'The must-have annual anthology for horror fans— and for any readers whose minds are not closed to the idea of intelligent writing emerging from a much maligned genre.'
Please send all material, with details of first publication and all contact details, to:
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror #20
c/o 130 Park View
Here's a handy bookbutler search for the best prices around for those of you who have yet to deleve into the latest volume, which clocks in at a massive 620+ pages for less than £8.00!
Thank you for your continued interest and support.
Editor, The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror series
The deadline for receiving material is FEBRUARY 1st, 2009. Sorry, no electronic submissions. Submissions cannot be returned, and you will be notified by e-mail sometime after the deadline if your work has been selected to appear in the book.
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