BOOKS: Spoilt for choice!

Luckily there's plenty of print titles forthcoming or recently released from the small press that I still find myself wanting to purchase and read... and best of all, they don't cost $60 each!
Here's a small selection of titles that look like great reads...
After a long day of editing classic literature (with zombies) Portland editor Danielle Joanna hits the Portland hipster bar scene. She hates her zombie obsessed 9-5 day job, she hates the Portland hipsters with their fixie bikes and ironic mustaches. She is not happy and needs a change.
When an animal rights activist gives her a flyer promoting a vegan lifestyle, she embraces it and for once things look up.
But nothing is ever perfect for Danni...
Praise the Dead by Gina Ranalli

In another part of the country, a girl named Lindy possesses a power of her own, a power that threatens both her health and her sanity. The ability to hear and speak to birds, at first terrifying, soon gives birth to insight that suggests there is more going on than she perceives.
The Deadheart Shelters by Forrest Armstrong

A moment’s opportunity turns to violence and Peter is thrust into a bizarre new world populated by devious goat-men, poisonous coal-slugs, and murderous royal processions.
With the help of his newfound companion, a man-sized infant named Dirt, Peter must decide between embracing his narcotic new world or returning to his old life to save the beautiful souls haunting his dreams.