FANTASYCON 2009: This Weekend Only!
We aim to open registration at around 4.00 p.m. -- assuming we have all the delegate bags packed by then. If anyone wishes to come earlier in the afternoon to help pack the bags -- well, please do.
FantasyCon Banquet: Sold Out!
All banquet tickets have now been sold.
Please do NOT try to book a place for the banquet. If refunds are due these will be sorted after the convention. If you have any queries contact
FantasyCon 2009: The T-Shirts
Sebastian is the eldest of Mervyn and Maeve Peake’s children. He has worked in the wine trade, has travelled widely, and became a leading modern jazz drummer, playing with several bands in London, Stockholm and Berlin. Sebastian speaks regularly at literary festivals, schools and universities both at home and abroad.
He is the author of A Child of Bliss: Growing Up With Mervyn Peake, published in 1989, which was reissued in a companion volume with his mother's memoir, Mervyn Peake: Two Lives. Sebastian has published three collections of poetry and also writes about Mervyn and other things on his blog.
Check out the programme over on the FantasyCon website.
Reggie Oliver: Puss Cat
We are delighted to announce that Reggie Oliver will be performing act one, "Puss-Cat", of his one man show "Stage Frights". This will be the first public preview of the play. Reggie will perform Puss-Cat on Sunday. Be there!
FantasyCon: Poetry
Chris and Pauline Morgan have kindly agreed to run a poetry session at Fantasycon. Chris asks that all those who wish to attend the session should bring along a handful of poems (any subject -- not just fantasy and horror) to read out to fellow poets. I am delighted to programme this event for Fantasycon -- after all, poetry is something too often ignored. And in case you don't know, Chris Morgan is the current city of Birmingham's Poet Laureate.
John Lenahan is coming to FantasyCon
John is a very funny stand-up comedian -- check out his video. In addition, John is the author of Shadowmagic, which has a very interesting publishing history. John will do his stuff late Saturday night.
FantasyCon: Onlne Registration
We are still receiving registrations online, which is very good and we appreciate that you wish to come to FantasyCon. However, after midnight tonight (15/09/09) we can't take anymore pre-registrations.
This is so we can get all the paperwork prepared before Thursday and that pre-registrations are not missed in the last minute excitement.
So if you want to come to FantasyCon (and why wouldn't you?) and you haven't yet paid, simply come along and pay on the day. The registration desk opens at 4.00 pm Friday and 9.30 am Saturday (times may vary a bit).
Immanion Press / Newcon Press
Among the authors and artists signing these books are:
Stephen Jones | Vincent Chong | Paul Finch | Tim Lebbon | Gary McMahon | Reggie Oliver | Sarah Pinborough | Peter Crowther | Ramsey Campbell | Jo Fletcher | Mark Morris | Nicholas Royle | Michael Marshall Smith | David Sutton |
PS Publishing: FantasyCon Launch Event
Life goes on here at PS Towers, with the summer nearing its end and autumn approaching - which means, of course, FantasyCon (18-20 September). This year’s event promises to be a cracker for us and for all lovers of great books, with the launch of no fewer than four new titles...
Ramsey Campbell’s new novel, Creatures of the Pool, and his latest story collection, Just Behind You. Rio Youers’s Old Man Scratch novella...
...and Angus Mackenzie’s Spook City anthology (featuring work from Peter Atkins, Clive Barker and that man Ramsey yet again, plus an intro from Doug “Pinhead” Bradley).
There’s the first title from our new Drugstore Indian Press imprint, Peter Crowther’s Darkness, Darkness: Forever Twilight Book.
Look out for these and further titles from PS Publishing at FantasyCon 2009.
Abaddon Book Launch
Abaddon will launch Tomes of The Dead: Hungry Hearts by Gary McMahon and The Afterblight Chronicles: Broken Arrow by Paul Kane.
The BFS is planning to launch the first of the previously announced commercial ventures for the society, a fascinating book of interviews - the first in a trilogy of such books, each focusing on a different genre. Volume one, looking at horror, sees the creator of the project, James Cooper, interview an impressive list of horror authors: Ramsey Campbell, Tom Piccirilli, Greg F. Gifune, Conrad Williams, Joe R. Lansdale, Gary McMahon, Brian Keene, Stephen Gallagher, Jeffrey Thomas, Peter Crowther, Tim Lebbon, Ray Garton, Mark Morris, Gary Fry, Graham Joyce and Norman Partridge.
The book is 256 pages and, like The British Fantasy Society Yearbook, a demy-sized PPC hardback. The book retails at £15 but members of the BFS will be able to buy a copy for £10, a third off.
The next volume will concentrate on fantasy authors while the final book will look to sci-fi, they will both be published over the next eighteen months.
Apology - The above news item is taken from the September edition of PRISM, the BFS Newsletter... a poor print run of Prism has sadly delayed this months BFS mailing (which contains Dark Horizons 55, Prism, & a FREE paperback copy of SLIGHTS by Karron Warren from the kind hearted folks over at The Angry Robot). However, members who are unable to collect a copy of the BFS YEARBOOK 2009 at FantasyCon this coming weekend, will also receive their copy in the September mailing.
The British Fantasy Society is proud to present the first in its series of exclusive, annual anthologies. Twenty writers -- from seasoned award-winners to rising stars -- offer twenty never before published tales.
Offering a broad sample of stories with imagination the only limit. Nearly three hundred, hard-bound pages, 100,000 words of the best in speculative fiction from:
With an introductory essay from Gail Z. Martin.
The only way to own a copy is by being a member of the British Fantasy Society, it is given away exclusively to members and will never appear for sale.
To sign up now -- at only £30.00 a year for UK residents -- please visit where you can pay by cheque or online via PayPal. Your membership also includes a £10 discount on the attendance rate for Fantasycon, our legendary, annual convention weekend as well as quarterly mailings of the society magazines Prism, Dark Horizons and New Horizons.
We hope to launch this exciting new anthology at FantasyCon 2009 - with many of the contributing authors gathered under one roof and available to sign copies of the book - how can you afford to miss the opportunity to own such a unique publication?
Chapbooks: From Smith & Fletcher
'What Happens When You Wake Up in the Night'
by Michael Marshall Smith
An exclusive short story by the author of the novels Only Forward, Spares and many more, and short story collections What You Make It and More Tomorrow. 12pp b&w plus full-colour cover. Published in a limited edition of 300 copies, each one numbered & signed. £3.
'The Safe Children' by Tom Fletcher
An original short story by an acclaimed new writer whose work has appeared in anthologies from Flax Books and Comma Press and whose first novel, The Leaping, will be published in the UK by Quercus in May 2010. 16pp b&w plus
full-colour cover. Published in a limited edition of 200 copies, each one numbered & signed. £3
FantasyCon 2009: Dealer's Room
Sell your pets, pawn your children, because this year the FantasyCon Dealers Room is stuffed with goodies from:
"There's a sense of excitement to [Murky Depths], a willngness to do things differently and stand out from the crowd, as witness the comic book size, instead of the more usual A4, and the wealth of interior artwork including graphic stories. It may be the new kid on the block but it's one of the best looking." Peter Tennant
"It's always seemed to me that a SF/fantasy/horror magazine should err on the side of eccentricity. Such a magazine is part of what -- when it's at its best -- is something of a maverick, black sheep, or plain disreputable genre. As such, Murky Depths has an awful lot going for it, especially the extremely original combination of graphic strips, short stories, and articles." Richard Calder
TTA Press - On this years' British Fantasy Award shortlist not only are TTA Press are up for Best Small Press but their authors and contributors like Paul Meloy, who is up for Best Collection - "Islington Crocodiles" - and Best Short Fiction - "All Mouth" and "The Vague" - along with Joel Lane - up for "Winter Journey" plus Nick Lowe's regular Interzone column, "Mutant Popcorn" is up for Best Non-Fiction. Obviously, after that list, Interzone and Black Static are up for Best Magazine. Such difficult choices but by then Interzone will have reached its 224th issue and Black Static will be coming up to number 13. They can't all win but you can, in the FantasyCon dealers' room where all these books and magazines will be on sale on the TTA table and Paul Meloy will join us.
Screaming Dreams – A small press based in South Wales, dedicated to all things fantasy, sci-fi and horror. Along with producing the free Estronomicon eZine and free eBooks on its website, SD also publishes a range of paperback books including short story collections, novellas and novels.
Also available on the Screaming Dreams table: assorted other books from Atomic Fez, Mortbury Press and Pendragon Press!
Telos Publishing – Purveyors of high quality collectible books for all fans of cult TV and film, and of genre fiction, you can find Telos at FantasyCon for one day only!
Gray Friar Press – Will have a whole range of superb horror titles on offer at FCon '09. The back catalogue can speak for itself, but fresh faced and bloodied this year are Pictures of the Dark, 23 powerful horror stories in Simon Bestwick's first out-and-out horror collection; Groaning Shadows, four superb novellas from Paul Finch; and Mindful of Phantoms, a collection of 18 ghostly tales from Gary Fry
Elaine Hillson - An artist and jeweller working in a variety of metals and fibres. Her work incorporates chainmaille, wires, reclaimed antiques and felted wares. Metals used include sterling silver, copper, aluminium and brass, with her larger silver pieces fully hallmarked. Elaine's wire and chainmaille sculptures are unique flights of fantasy inspired by literature and the natural landscape around her home in the Welsh mountains.
Houthe of Igor – Purveyors of finely stitched beathties.
NewCon Press is known for their high quality anthologies containing work from some of the most notable Science Fiction and Fantasy authors working today.
Dark Smile Productions – Bring's fresh talent and ideas to the realm of audio drama. They not only develop new work but also new artists, working with professionals and complete novices alike.
Morrigan Books – Dedicated to furthering the work of writers and editors working within the field of dark fiction. Morrigan Books will be launching their Dead Souls anthology with stories from Ramsey Campbell, Gary McMahon, Paul Finch, Simon Strantzas and many others.
Talking Dead / PS Publishing – Talking Dead return with a vast selection of secondhand paperbacks, pulps and magazines and will also be selling choice goodies from PS Publishing!
Abaddon Books – Dedicated to publishing the best in high-action Science-Fiction, Horror and Fantasy, Abaddon will be launching their latest title at FantasyCon.
Geoff Nelder with BeWrite Books / AB of Seattle - Geoff is manning a showcase for three speculative fiction publishers. He is the British branch of Adventure Books of Seattle and will be selling Escape Velocity magazines of science fact & fiction and some scifi titles. For Double Dragon Publishing Geoff is toting his own Exit, Pursued by a Bee science fiction mystery. Geoff is the new administrator / publisher of long-established BeWrite Books. He is to start a speculative fiction imprint as a focus for the fantasy and scifi BeWrite now publish eg by John Grant.
Waterstones – For one afternoon only, Waterstones Nottingham branch will be offering up a selection of titles from both FantasyCon’s finest authors and those who couldn’t make it! Catch them on Saturday between 4.30-6.30.
Raven Dane – Raven is the author of the Legacy of the Dark Kind series of Dark Fantasy novels. Described many times as 'beautifully written', 'original' and 'refreshingly different' with a fast growing and enthusiastic international fan base, her series is published by D A Diamonds. Read more about the books here:
Jon Webb – For Saturday only, Jon Webb will be selling his debut novel – a single book fantasy thriller called Geas.
FantasyCon 2009: Art Show
Featuring | Edward Miller | Vincent Chong | David Hardy | Les Edwards | Anne Sudworth | Dominic Harman | Mervyn Peake | Chris Bell | Andy Bigwood | Reggie Oliver | Jan Edwards | Elaine Hilson | Craig Lewis | Miriam Lewis | Peter Coleborn | Jane Stewart | Steve Upham | Darren Winter |
Daniele Serra joins this amazing list of artists who have all booked space for the Art Show this year...
Here's a print on canvas that's ready for my suitcase!
The Short Film Showcase
Hello FantasyCon! This is Jayson Densman, director/producer/editor of Jeremy C. Shipp's 'EGG'. Shipp contacted me some time ago and told me EGG would be playing England. I couldn't be more excited! It's nice to know Bizarro/surreal storytelling has a nice and fun home in the U.K.! Looks like you all have a great time with this festival....wish I could attend! I'll be promoting your fest over here in the States, as well.Anyway, have fun at the convention!
Cheers! J
Jayson D. Densman
X-1 Productions/Tapestry Filmscapes
Dallas, Tx.
Deadspiel - 'Greatest Curling Zombie Film Ever Made!'
Eater - To make ends meet, rookie cop Bannerman works the grueling night shift for the NYPD. On this particular night, the senior officers are abuzz with rumors about a new prisoner held in the upper floor jail cell: Mellor, a notorious serial killer with a habit of eating his victims. Following a series of bizarre incidents, Bannerman begins to suspect that Mellor has, in fact, escaped. Based on the short story by Peter Crowther.
Abraham's Boys - Abraham van Helsing - infamous, angry, brilliant - is a man haunted by the darkest of secrets... secrets that he will, one cold night just after the turn of the century, unfold at last to his two sons, Maximilian and Rudolph. Based in the short story by Joe Hill.
The Ugly File - Last year, Mark Steensland’s short film “Peekers” played in over 25 film festivals (inc. FantasyCon '08) and won five awards, including Best Short, Best Editing and Best Director. Hopes are running just as high this year for his most recently completed short film, “The Ugly File.” Based on a short story by Ed Gorman, Steensland reunited with both the screenwriter (Rick Hautala) and star (Mike Lechner) of “Peekers” for this newest work.
The Ties that Bind - A man's undying love for his wife continues even after she is dead. Based on the short story by Brian Keene.
Egg - The story of a child with a temporally displaced conscience trying to change the order of a truth and a pain. Writen by Jeremy C Shipp.
Side Effect - Lauren is an attractive, over-achieving, young woman and the new babysitter for the upper-middle-class couple, The Allens. With the trusted Lauren in charge of their adorable children, the couple head out for the night. Written and directed by Liz Adams.
Date Night - Has cupid's arrow finally struck or will love hurt? + 45 minute (approx.) mystery 'Director' retrospective!
Mr. Abershaw’s Happening Day - Based on Digging up Donald (the short story) by author Steven Pirie.
The Opportunity - ‘Enter the mind of a killer as he stalks his latest victim. Through the streets of an empty town follow as he watches and waits for the perfect moment to strike. Will he or won’t he?’ Screenplay by Paul Kane based on his short story.
The Hunt for Gollum - Directed and written by Chris Bouchard. Based on ... You don't need me to tell you that!
A room will be set aside for readings and a blank schedule will be available at the convention reception desk. On this, authors will be able to select their own preferred slots. We envision each slot to be around 30 minutes (but we are flexible). Please book only one slot per author. However, from lunchtime on Saturday, if slots are available, authors may book further slots.
We are using this system again (it was used in 2008) in order to accommodate individual authors. If you wish to give a reading but will not be able to book your own session (due to late arrival, for example), please email and we’ll try to pre-book a slot (but we wish to keep pre-booking to a minimum).
Moxyland: A Short Story Competition
British Fantasy Awards 2010: Recommendations
From September up until January 31 you can make recommendations online for the British Fantasy Awards 2010. The form will go live shortly after FantasyCon, once we've taken into account any rule changes introduced at the AGM. If you prefer to send recommendations by email, the address is