THE KULT - Shaun Jeffrey

When I first started reading The Kult I was expecting another novel from the school of kooky detective vs sadistic serial killer... thankfully Shaun's novel shattered these expectations and after the initial 70 odd pages I was well and truly hooked.
Two nights later and I'm racing towards the climax of the novel, eager to discover what was in store for our hero, Prosper Snow.
The Kult provided me with one of those great moments when you suddenly realise who the killer actually is just seconds before the author reveals his culprit. I love these moments in books and, indeed films... and as we're talking films for a moment, The Kult brought to mind the giallo's of Argento etc rather than the forensic/police procedural approach of American movies like Silence of the Lambs and others of that ilk.
Shaun's style is very readable and his chapters are quite short and condensed, without sacrificing too much in the way of characterisation, particularly that the main protagonist of the novel. And lets face it, there are plenty of 'house brick' novels out there full of detailed character study, and long multi-part chapters detailing every nuance of a characters life.
The Kult is a THRILLER... and it certainly does thrill, and one that can be enjoyed by horror fans worldwide.
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